1 thought on “Student Struggles

  1. I couldn’t agree more.

    It bothers me greatly when people say things such as, “Oh you’re a student,” or “wait till you get to the real world.” Many students are working part-time jobs (20 hours/week) and then are in class (20 hours/week) and then are completing other assignments (lets say 10 hours/week conservatively). You are then trying to find time for relationships, family matters, and to have some semblance of a social life.

    In the majority of cases in “the real world” you work your standard 40 hour week and then anything that is not done you just forget about till the next week. Sure there are some professions which are exceptions to this, but the majority holds true. In many ways being a student is increasingly more difficult than just having a job in “the real world” and it is frustrating when people assume that the student life is so easy.

Tell me what you think!